Shooting is a very amusing sport, in which everyone can participate with his friends and be entertained through competition, as everybody can have a nice time through teasing.

It’s a sport that can be practised by the whole family and by people of all ages, from 10-year-old children to very elderly people. This sport creates a lot of special memories that will stay for a lifetime.

Shooting with an experienced instructor can teach you in safety the advantages and techniques of the sport, it just requires good physical condition, good psychology and technical skills. Furthermore, it’s a sport that can be practised by women, men and children above 10 years old, not only for entertainment, but also for championship level or for self-defence.

At shooting, if you insist, you can gradually improve your skills at the sport and the firearms and continuous training can lead you to championship.

Perhaps shooting is the most ancient sport in the history of mankind, ever since the weapon was used not only to find our food, but also to participate in the Olympic Games.

With a proper education and instruction, shooting and use of firearms make us responsible and offer us great excitement and satisfaction through the achievement of our goals.